
August Goal: 30 Days of New Recipes

Month eight is complete!  August was a month of learning about new ingredients, trying new recipes, making a few mistakes in the kitchen, and filling our hearts and bellies with happiness and deliciousness.  I’m so glad I made the eighth month of my twelve month long challenge/journey, a culinary challenge.  Last month, in July, my challenge was to document delight…I documented it everyday for thirty days and then neglected to document my DELIGHT journey on the Blog.  It could still happen…   August is my youngest sons birth month.  He loves to cook and bake and cause general chaos in the kitchen so it seemed appropriate that I make August the month of new recipes.  Also, I love books…to include cookbooks…which I seem to have a pretty nice collection of.  Anyway, I have all these cookbooks and many of them hadn’t even been cracked open or recipes attempted…until now.  Most all the cookbooks turned out to be winners (with only a couple of non-...

June Goal: 30 Days of Earthing

Another thirty day challenge is behind me, or should I say beneath me?  June marked my sixth consecutive month of completing ( or attempting to complete…last months workout challenge missed the mark by four days ) a different thirty day challenge (February got a deal with twenty-eight days).   A quick re-cap— January Challenge: 30 different Hikes in 30 days February Challenge: 28 days of Yoga practice March Challenge: 30 different Beaches in 30 days April Challenge: 30 days of Breathwork and Meditation ( not documented on the Blog yet ) May Challenge: 30 days of Working Out ( also not documented on the Blog yet ) The first half of 2023 has been Mountain, Mat, Marine, Mindful, and Muscle.  June caps it off with Mother Earth… June Challenge?  30 Days of Earthing or Grounding.  This was a concept that was new to me in terms of realizing there were benefits, not new in terms of realizing this was how I spent the first half of my life.  I was coming back t...