Monkeypod With A Couple Of Monkeys

...and a potato head. Thank goodness. The potato saved our lives. Or at least our dinner. Potato provisions provided by the restaurant. First star earned. You made my kid quiet and happy. Second star earned with the delectable dessert you see below. But I have skipped a few things in between potato heads and pies. Like the fish and chips my pirate enjoyed. And the ginger beer I gulped down. Not pictured and not alcoholic. And the fries. I thought it might be weird eating them in front of Mr. Potato Head, turns out I was wrong. And the caramelized onion, pine nut, and butternut squash pizza. There's no leftovers. And who could leave out the poke mini tacos? What are we up to now? Six stars? Well, it was a treat trying this new to us restaurant out. Stunning views of both sunset and the moon. A charming live performer who switched songs from artists like Train to CeeLo Green to The Police with ease. Vacationing, staycationing, or just Westside dwellers, I recommen...