Hamama Falls

A new hiking adventure awaited for us in the majestic mountains of Kaneohe today. When Isom asked what we wanted to do today, the responses varied. Gabe: Let's relax and watch TV all day. Zach: I dunno. Me: Not hike. Somehow Isom got his way. We paid him back by shooting invisible daggers at him while we huffed and puffed up the gravelly hills to the waterfall. But, it was worth it. Fresh mountain air. Sweet smell of guava surrounding us. Tropical mist over the mountains. Exercise. Family time. And lastly, the waterfall. Like fireworks, I find a waterfall is always awe worthy. Our pictures don't do it justice but I found myself grudgingly happy we made the trek. Despite the mosquitoes, getting rained on, and the gravel hills. The hills killed me. But, I digress. This hike was pretty close to being all a paved path. It can get slippery, but on the whole we felt safe...that is if you just ignore the "Posted, no trespassing, keep out" sign at the beginning of the trail....