Melinda Moore, Guest Blog

The First Three Years of Life: Mommy Wars A big thanks to Larisa for having me guest blog today! She's been a constant source of support on Facebook for my adventures in the writing world. My newest story, “Rapunzel: Stay at Home Mom,” gives the classic character a modern parenting twist. I'm embarrassed to say that when I was a new mom, I passed judgment on the other parents I knew, like: Sheila's having a baby? But her and Kyle still play video games till 1 in the morning. She's not quitting her job? What's the point of having a kid if you're not gonna be home? Kyle's quitting his job? Do dads even know how to take care of kids? Wait, that means they’re gonna bottle feed. Call CPS! It was like having a baby gave me Supreme Court status. The right way to rear a child was clearly my way. Breast feeding was the first area to give me a clue that I was a little too holier than thou. First of all it...