In life there are many "fours". Four directions: north, east, south, west Four seasons: fall, winter, spring, summer Four elements: earth, wind, water, fire Four noble truths: Buddhist truth of suffering, truth of cause of suffering, truth of end of suffering, truth of path to end of suffering In my life: Four years that Zachary has made us laugh to tears, run to breathlessness, bounce with joy, and tire from excitement. This past week we wished the baby of the family "Happy Birthday" in true Z fashion---under threats of a hurricane and flash flooding! We all survived and nothing weather related hindered our fun. Four is the beginning of pre-school, new found independence, an increasing number of fart jokes, and a unique place in the world where Zach is part "big boy" and part "mama's little baby". He has grown leaps and bounds this year and I couldn't let another day pass, without acknowledging how wonderful we all think he is. Four...