O'ahu Exploration: Aiea Loop Trail

So, we hike a lot. Some years more than others. I'd say this is our third go at being extra hike-y people. The first time was when our oldest Gabe was a toddler. Then again right before our youngest, Zach, was born...and now. There are several hikes that I have done, but with years in between going. This, I have determined, makes a huge difference. It can be a good difference---coming back to a trail you love. Or it can be a bad difference, in the case of today and Aiea Loop. We have done this hike before. With kids. And I in no way recall how long it was. In fact, I'm sure I've read online several times that people equate this trail with being easy and kid friendly. Hmmm. Once again, my opinion differs from the hiking community at large. This trail is lush. It has a couple of scenic views. There is greenery and trees and plants everywhere. But, this trail is a case of nature getting in its own way. All the wonderful things that make this a truly secluded trail through th...