Manoa Exploration: Kolowalu Trail

Summer break is officially here for our family. My oldest just completed three years of Middle School and had his "Aloha Ceremony" earlier this week. My youngest just completed two years of pre-school and received his "Certificate of Graduation". My two boys are in a summer of transition! Next month they will be in the final days of freedom before heading off to High School and Kindergarten. So we are enjoying the here and now before homework, school schedules, and extra curricular activities swallow up our time. Our first hike of summer---Kolowalu Trail, is in the back of Manoa Valley. The trail head starts down a private access road (more like a driveway) at Alani and Woodlawn Drive. Those who are familiar with the Manoa trail Pu'u Pia, will know the area and that Kolowalu branches off to the right of the trail that leads you up to the summit of Pu'u Pia. Since I have done Pu'u Pia twice---once with a Firefighter escort out an...