Two Trails to the Third: Pauoa Flats Trail

Mountain Monday! Back to hiking! We took the weekend off from hiking since it was my oldest sons birthday, he turned fourteen, and his special request for his birthday was "Please mom, no hiking." Lol. I honored his request and we spent a lovely weekend going to the movies, eating out, playing games at Dave and Busters, and spending many hours at the beach. But his birthday weekend is over...and we are back to squeezing in some hikes together before high school and kindergarten (for my youngest) begin next week! The Tantalus Trail System (not the official name) has been good to me. We have hiked numerous trails that begin up Round Top Drive a.k.a Tantalus. Today I was eager to hike Pauoa Flats Trail, a trail I had seen on three previous hikes---Pu'u Ohia, Manoa Cliff, and Kalawahine Trails. I was determined to finally see what Pauoa Flats had to offer. Since I feel pretty familiar with Pu'u Ohia (hiked it th...