Makapu'u Two Ways: Tide Pools and Puka

This week I explored the East side of O'ahu. Tuesday, three of us hiked the infamous Makapu'u Puka and Wednesday, two of us hiked Makapu'u Tide Pools---both hikes were firsts for me. The Makapu'u area of O'ahu in September is hot---the grass is brown, the breeze is almost non-existent, and the ocean and glorious Ka Iwi Coastline are the main scenic attractions. I have hiked the Makapu'u Lighthouse Trail numerous times (if you can even consider a paved trail wide enough for a truck to drive a hike). I have also hiked to the Pillboxes/Bunkers at Makapu'u. I have hiked down to Alan Davis Beach and Pele's Chair. I felt like I had pretty well explored this little area of O'ahu. Then all at once this week, I hiked to two new places also in the Makapu'u peninsula. Today I was invited to join my friend Mary on a hiking/swimming adventure---of course I said YES! We dropped the kiddos at school, hopped in the car and headed East. We p...