
Showing posts from April, 2019

Larisa (tries to) Run

It's been six months and counting since my last blog post.  Lots has happened...and lots has not happened.  I have still been eating my way around O'ahu, hiking (no new trails), working part time at the food truck, and about four months ago I started running!  Yes, you read that correctly... running . It all started when a friend casually suggested I do the Great Aloha Run (8.13 miles) with her in February...and I agreed.  Knowing I didn't want to fall down flat on my face from exhaustion, I decided to actually try to prepare for the race by participating in a free running clinic.  Every Sunday morning (at 6:30 a.m.) for nine weeks, I drove down to Kapiolani Park where I ran for what was really the first time in my life.  I have participated in other walks/races before, but I was always just a walker (not a zombie...well, yes sort of a zombie)...walking my way to the finish.  Over the course of the nine week training program, I went from barely r...