
Showing posts from April, 2020

Quarantine Kitchen Presents: Homemade Baked Bagels

We might be guilty of focusing more on our baked goods than how our hair looks.  After the success of Banana Nut Bread (minus the nuts), we took on our next boys who bake (plus me) project---homemade baked bagels.  We love bagels.  They are usually a staple on the grocery list and in our household.  They are great plain, with cream cheese, as a breakfast sandwich with egg and bacon, with hummus, with tomato, with avocado...they are super versatile.  When my friend Janell posted about a three ingredient bagel she and her kids made during quarantine, I needed no convincing that this would be something for us to try too. Three ingredients you say?  Yay...oh wait, we don't have the ingredients needed.  Devastation.  A week or so went by and after one late night grocery run, my husband found the ingredients we needed.  Lifesaver!  I'll post a link to the recipe we used below, but basically you make a quick dough.  You cut your do...

When Life is Bananas, Make Bread

It only took a global pandemic for me to start writing on my blog again.  Welcome 2020!  First post of the new decade!  I'm trapped...uh, quarantined...sheltering in place with three boys.  The oldest of the boys, my husband, has transformed our dining room into an office space.  So now we eat in the living room.  I try to think of it as a little bistro table at a cafe somewhere in Europe.  Armchair travel.  The oldest actual boy, my 16 year old Junior in High School, has found a new hobby since some beaches are closed and the ones that are open for surfing are quite crowded.  He is skateboarding and giving me daily anxiety as I hope he doesn't send us to the Emergency Room from a fall.  The youngest boy, my 8 year old, is now an online student prone to extra sassy behavior, tantrums, and a lack of focus.  Between school lessons we try to bring some zen into the household with a variety of online Yoga classes, swimming in our blow u...