
Showing posts from January, 2022

Dirty Dozen Challenge: Tiger Tackling Twelve Miles

It's a brand-new year!  Welcome 2022, Year of the Tiger, and I am ready to roar!  Last year, I documented my journey, attempting to try 52 New Things.  It was an epic year of adventure, filled with so many lessons, inspiring moments, experiencing new outlooks, meeting new people, learning more about myself, and consistently Blogging. This year, I want to document and challenge myself again, but instead of something "new" each week, I plan to attempt a monthly physical challenge ---a Dirty Dozen Challenge. Last year's challenge was mental, emotional, social, and physical.  This year I am narrowing the focus--- a physical monthly challenge.    This year I turn forty-six and I am beginning to notice the pleasures of growing older---insomnia, rogue gray hairs, declining vision, declining hearing, senior moments (like forgetting why I entered a room) stuff, the stuff of mid-life memes.   Since I am acutely aware of these physical changes, I thou...