March Goal: 30 Beaches, 30 Days

Third monthly challenge complete! For March, my goal was to go to thirty different beaches for thirty days. To recap, in January I hiked thirty different trails for thirty days, and in February I practiced different styles of Yoga for twenty-eight days. Mountain. Mat. Marine. The first three months of my year long journey of completing monthly goals has been achieved. I feel good. I have worked my heart with cardio, worked my body with stretching, and worked my soul with the happiness that being outside, toes in the sand and salt water washing over me, can provide. I realize that a thirty day beach goal is not feasible for everyone. I am filled with gratitude that I live in a place where the beach is accessible, beautiful, and free. Born, not raised, in Hawai’i, believe it or not, up until this thirty day challenge, I was not much of a beach person. It seemed boring, hot, and out of my comfort zone. Ne...