Waimano Valley Hike
Today we drove to the back of Pearl City, up Waimano Home road to a dirt and gravel parking lot with a guard shack adjacent to it. I'm not sure what the guard was guarding, but I felt better about leaving my purse in the car (can you imagine me hiking with it...yes, you can...stop laughing). Our friends Anna, Mia, and Danica joined us.
They were the ones who knew about this gem in the middle of the city to begin with. We probably didn't hike very far, maybe two miles, but we saw many things of interest to six (and eight) year olds. Dog poop, snails, a woodpecker (Mia swore it was), sticks galore, twisted trees to climb (and fall out of), and a waterless stream. It is green and damp along the narrow path that twists down into the valley and then gradually heads up towards the ridge line. When you can get a glimpse through the thick foliage, it is beautiful. One caveat---bring mosquito repellent. Or a full body mosquito net. It was pretty bad. Still feeling a little itchy. The hike is kid friendly, although not stroller friendly. It is great for novice hikers and there are lots of cool rocks and branches to sit on for rests and snacks (we enjoyed a carrot cake muffin...not my creation). As far as morning adventures go, this was a great new discovery...until Gabe fell off a tree branch.
He's totally fine. He banged is forehead. Not to mention his pride (he was surrounded by girls). No major blood lost (mosquito bites don't count), so today's hike was a success.
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