Beached out?

Is there such a thing as going to the beach too much? Yesterday I forgot my memory stick for my camera so I have no proof of our terrific day at Sherwood Beach again. Isom and Gabe built the most amazing turtle out of sand. Despite warnings of Portuguese Man of War on the beach, we braved the water and had another great day of sun and surf. We ended the day with lunch at the Greek Marina restaurant (
followed by the best scoop of coconut ice cream from Bubbies ( Gabe was excited to walk along the marina deck and see jellyfish from a safe distance while enjoying his scoop. Isom and I were intrigued with the motorcade we witnessed in honor of the President of Taiwan. That was day one of beach time. Day two was today at Waimea ( We snagged a ride from our friends the Pommerenks. A quick stop at Starbucks ( and we were on our way for more sun and surf. Since it is summer, the waves were pretty non-existent which was perfect for the kids. Danica and Gabe found a million and one rocks and one huge piece of coral (which Gabe begged to bring home---no way). For the second day in a row I found myself in the rays of the mid-day sun without an umbrella or enough sunscreen to shade me. Yes, I am burnt. Thank goodness for aloe. As tempting as day three of sun and surf sounds for tomorrow, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to give my skin some rest.


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