Camera died, summer ending, and other irritating things

The hubby is on vacation. Sigh. And other than going to Maui for a few days we are stuck with each other at the house. I thought I made a list of fun activities to do while he was home but so far we've just been bickering instead. Then yesterday my camera memory stick fell apart...literally. Even though I know the cure is to just pop into Target
or Wal-mart
and pick up a replacement stick, it's probably not going to happen for awhile. These are the types of errands that cripple me. They just never seem to get done. So, now I am using my husband's camera---purchased in the desert. It is no frills, not cute, and doesn't fit into my cute carrying case like my other camera.
What's a girl to do? I am forced to suck it up and endure the not as cute photos on the blog and Facebook for awhile.

As if the broken memory stick wasn't enough, I also found myself dealing with a broken bracelet and a broken necklace. I know you are can I possibly continue on? Well, I got a new pair of shoes. All tragedies can be erased with a cute pair of shoes.
Tomorrow is the last day of summer school for Gabe and then we go to Maui for a three day excursion. I'm so excited---a different palm tree to look at! I think the three of us are going a little stir crazy. I'm hoping that Maui will be a fun experience for the boys since they have never been. I guess I better get on over to my local Target and get the memory stick or I'll have no recollection of the next three days.
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