Diamond Head and a Rescue

Of course I didn't have my camera. Of course. Isom just purchased the new iPhone for me and I have been a woman obsessed...so obsessed that I didn't want to "risk" taking it with me on the less than a mile hike up Diamond Head http://www.hawaiistateparks.org/parks/oahu/index.cfm?park_id=15 (too many sharp edges...my precious phone might get scratched!). So of course I missed out on the photos of the day when about half way up the mountain we see a rescue mission (Fire Helicopter and all) taking place right before our very eyes. What are the odds of seeing the Waipio Fire and this rescue mission all in one summer?! Gabe has seen so many helicopters this summer I think he is numb to it all. Apparently an elderly gentleman passed out during his hike. The cause unknown...speculations are dehydration, age, and weather...it was HOT! I was pretty amazed by the quick efforts of our local fire men. The real action was watching what appeared to be an 80 year old man get lifted into the rescue basket of the helicopter hundreds of feet in the air---I'm pretty sure this is the part that would have freaked me out had it been me in need of rescue (just leave me on the mountain!). So, I don't have a great helicopter photo but I do have a cute mom/Gabe picture from Zippy's instead...nothing like a morning pastry after a hike!
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