How Do You Title Boredom?

Yay! I have one follower! Thanks Danielle!! You may notice a few changes in the design of the blog today. I was already bored with the old look so I decided to play around with a few things. It's raining here (weird for this time of year) and Gabe is plopped on the couch watching PBS. Our big plans for the day include lunch with Isom and Chuck E. Cheese. Super exciting. So here I sit trying to think of something to write to amuse my follower. I have also been surfing the net to see what other blogs are out there---uh, there's a ton. It's overwhelming! Who knew so many people would want to share their mundane happenings with the world.
I am excited for this weekend. We are going camping on the north shore. Even though I was informed yesterday that "I didn't seem like the camping type." from one friend, I am excited to be free of t.v., my hair straightener, and yes, even Starbucks (but I will be taking my phone and I-touch with me). And speaking of being free from Starbucks, I actually had a beverage (and a sandwich) from the competition on Sunday. In the spirit of trying new things, we stopped in at The Koko Marina Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf ( prior to venturing to Sherwood Beach. I had the most delicious iced Earl Grey tea latte to accompany my bagel with lox. It was a scrumptious meal but I was turned off by the computer screens the baristas (are they even called that there?) relied on for orders (like a fast food restaurant). It felt very cold and robotic...I mean I'm right there, can't you just ask me again what I am having if you forget in the two seconds since I ordered?
Yesterday Gabe had his second soccer practice at AMR. He is by far the tallest kid there. "Team Autobot" as they are called are doing great at socializing with one another but I'm a little concerned at how well they'll actually do at their first game in two weeks.
I applied for a job with the American Diabetes Association. My work is done for the day. Guess I better get dressed.
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