Old School Reunion

It's always fun to meet up with old friends. Yesterday (and today) I have been lucky enough to have an old college friend in town for a visit---you know she's a good friend since she braved staying at casa Majors (5 year old whiny boy, vacationing husband, and allergy sniffling wife---what a fun bunch!). After picking her up from the airport we decided to take a leisurely drive through Waikiki---re-living old moments from the past. Since we were already in town it seemed practical to continue the reminiscing and check out another old stomping ground, UH (http://www.uhm.hawaii.edu/). It has changed and it hasn't. There are still the pj wearing students, the eternal students (advanced aged), and the Japanese tourists. We did notice a few changes (demolished wall in Campus Center), upgrades---Subway (http://www.subway.com In an effort to help stave off the "freshman 15"?! ), and renovations (Frear Hall, wow!). After buying odds and ends in the campus bookstore we decided on the third and final old stomping ground on our tour of "fun things from the 90's"...Ala Moana shopping center http://www.alamoanacenter.com/. We met up with another college cronie and let the shopping begin. Express, JCrew, Nordstrom, oh my! We found great deals and enjoyed lunch at Ruby Tuesdays (www.rubytuesday.com... the avocado quesadilla is a surprisingly yummy veggie treat). The group disbanded when nap time approached and I had a "happy moment" as we slipped back into the car. Good friends, good food, good shopping. Thanks to the two J's for a fun day.


Anonymous said…
i want your hair!!!! i love it!

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