Stung by a Jellyfish

It seems our July has really started off with a bang. Raging inferno yesterday, jellyfish sting today...almost worried about what we might have in store for us tomorrow---at least Isom will be off from work and available to drive us to the ER if necessary. We spent a wonderful morning at Sherwood Beach in Waimanalo. What's great about this beach is the view of the mountains, the forest behind the beach, and the boogie boarding waves. It was great to see an old hui friend visiting from the mainland as well as discovering a beach I had never been to before. It was deserted (no teenage cheerleaders like we experienced over the weekend at Waimea) and I found myself drawn into the water by its beauty and of course my five year old. We frolicked in the waves for at least an hour until I suddenly felt a searing pain in my side. Gabe then mentioned he felt pain in his leg---to which I responded "you're fine"...I really thought he was just copying me! We finally got out of the water and then I realized I had a huge welt on my side and Gabe had welts on his leg! Yikes. All is well after a nice rinse in non-salted water, oh and a cupcake from Cupcake Couture as we drove around the island headed home. I was excited to share my new find with others but I am little skittish to enter the water again after our stings. But, on the bright side there was no pain involved in the eating of the cupcakes.


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