"Unaccustomed Earth"

Did I mention I am in a book club? This is my second one. Well, third if you count the online one that was but wasn't. Anyway, I love to read. The book that was selected for this month was "Unaccustomed Earth" by Jhumpa Lahiri. I have previously read "The Namesake" and "Interpreter of Maladies" by this same author. I am eagerly awaiting her next book. The style of this collection of eight short stories is captivating. I continued to want to know what was going on with the characters after the stories were over. I felt that the author could have taken any one of her stories and made them into an entire book. The stories are connected because they all follow a theme of family, love, and choices. The reader can see how each character is pulled by what they want and what is expected of them from their culture. The push/pull of following your heart and following your destiny is something I related to. My favorite of the eight stories was the first---the title of the book. The stories are broken down into two parts. The second part contains three stories told from the girl and the boy perspectives of the main characters. I recommend reading this book as well as Lahiri's other two books. Lahiri describes her characters and their emotions with such clarity, it seems as though you have met them and you are reading about them in her diary. She is very in tune with the voice of her characters, which creates a bond between the reader and the characters. Lahiri is a Pulitzer prize winner and a national best seller which makes her work both enjoyable and thought provoking.


Unknown said…
Hi Larissa. I'm so happy you're blogging! Just wanted you to know I'm reading your posts.
Luv, Claire (catskittyns)

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