While the Kid Naps

Is it weird that my only sane part of the day is when my son is sleeping? He's not even a little baby that cries or is in a constant state of need anymore...yet somehow peace only comes when his little eyes are shut and he is laying quietly in his bed. So since these times are few and far between you would think that I would wisely plan out what to do with this "free time". Some days I have grandiose visions of organizing my closet, getting all the laundry done (not just washing and drying but actually folding it and putting it away too!), and reading my book. But then, somehow I get majorly side tracked (bad computer!). One dish might get washed, one phone call made, several new friends on Facebook made, and then before you know it he's wide awake and it's back to the grind. Two hours have passed already? But I just sat down! So, I'm curious about what trick time is playing on me...and is it even just me? In the mysterious nap hour I am barely able to jot a few thoughts down on the blog, sweep up a few crumbs, and sneak a bite of chocolate while he sleeps. But when he is awake, an hour could entail making a snack, time out, going to the post office, time out, going to the bank, time out, and Starbucks with ten minutes still to spare. But every time he lays down for a nap time just keeps escaping. It is a mystery. If anyone figures it out, please let me know.


Cara said…
Love it, this is all so true! My thoughts exactly, but SO, SO much more eloquently put =)

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