Classic Chocolate Buttercream Cupcakes

Everyone likes chocolate...cupcakes. Everyone except me. But I made these anyway. Sometimes you don't figure things out about yourself until you're 33...or you bake chocolate cupcakes. I think I like the concept of chocolate cupcakes but the reality is somehow different. I whipped up my batter as usual (with the exception of my Grandma being present this time). I did start my music a little late---today's selection Pearl Jam's new album "Backspacer". I would hate to think that one of my all time favorite bands "jinxed" my cupcakes today, but...well, there just wasn't any oomph to them. The texture was right. They looked right. They smelled right. They just didn't taste right (to me). Could it be that I am cupcaked out? Could I have somehow forgotten to add the sugar? The butter? What was off with this recipe? Then it occurred to me...nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nothing was wrong...I just don't like chocolate cupcakes. Revelation. Call the press. Add to that butter cream frosting and it was a double thumbs down for me. On the bright side---PJ's new album is a definite, big, two thumbs up! And... I've got lots of chocolate cupcakes in the fridge if you want some!


Anonymous said…
"If" I want some???? Hook it up!! BTW, LOVE Corazon's been ages, thanks for the nostalgia :-) Love, Lena
Larisa said…
Have to coordinate a once a week cupcake drop off/pick up, no? I can't believe the amount of cupcakes in my house is...stressing me out! Ha, ha!
Anonymous said…
I found Derek checking out your bloggy yesterday!! ( i had it up as always) he said you're so much fun and looks forward to hanging with ya again.

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