And I thought labor and delivery of an 11.2 pound child was hard. I can now easily say that I have put my body through three major traumas. The first was giving birth to who was affectionately called "The Monster Baby" at the hospital. The second was completing my half marathon in which not one, but two...then three of my toe nails fell off---completely. The third was hiking
Koko Head last weekend. It was one long,
pitocin induced contraction---there just wasn't any recovery time...one step, two step, dying of exhaustion, can't beathe, when will it be over? It was horrendous---and that is putting it mildly. I am only now recovering (6 days later).

I figured I better jot a few thoughts down before the memory gets pushed deep in the crevices of my mind...next to the other excruciating pain moments of my life that have gotten buried; only to resurface when I am experiencing something equally as bad. The part that was even harder than climbing large, dusty, broken down wood steps (1048 of them---one way, to be EXACT); was the fact that my 6 year old (yes, the once beastly 11 pound baby) was happily prancing around ahead of me. Not one complaint passed through his lips. Not one "I'm tired" or "Are we there yet" or even "I'm hungry". What?! How could it be that this boy---50% me could be behaving
and seemingly not having an ounce of difficulty on this hike? The eighth wonder of the world.

If you are interested in burning leg muscles, an okay view, and realizing just how out of shape you are, then this is the hike for you! Pack plenty of water...even I, the human camel, consumed what was normally a week's supply of water for me, during the course of the hike.
My other tips are:
1. Go in the wee hours of the morning, it's hotter than hell---thus the nickname our family came up with: "The Devil's Trail" (among other reasons).
2. Go for Shave Ice when you complete it---you'll deserve it!
3. Don't take your 6 year old---they'll outshine you!
Just kidding...you'll most likely be super impressed with how strong, tough, and utterly amazing your kid is---I know I was.
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