Lemon Butterfly Cupcakes

Maybe I let things go to my head. Maybe I didn't have my Pandora Internet Radio tuned to the right station of 90s grunge band rock (every cupcake needs a muse). Maybe I should stick to one cupcake a week instead of one a day. The above photo demonstrates perfection, or how the cupcake should look. Below we have Larisa's version.Looking okay (more like a cookie, but hey, that's a baked good too). The next photo is what happened after they cooled.Try to control your laughter. No, these are not cupcake BOWLS! Lesson: don't overfill. Luckily all was not lost, I had extra batter. Phew. The second batch (in my new cupcake baking tin, by the way) turned out better. These lemon cupcakes were the first of my 500 that have had actual, real live frosting---made from scratch too. Talk about sweet. I started baking last night after Gabe went to bed and had to stay up until past midnight...why? Guilty. Licking the bowl. Tasting the "destroyed" cupcakes from batch one. Scraping the frosting bowl with doughy, rogue lemon cupcake pieces. I was wide awake and wired! Good thing I had plenty to watch on my DVR..."The Rachel Zoe Project" and discarded lemon cupcakes...also a great new ritual. Try it.


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