Poppy Seed with Lemon Drizzle

I love poppy seed. I love lemon. I love my poppy seed and lemon cupcakes. I am currently hoarding peanut butter cupcakes and poppy seed cupcakes at my house. I'm not particularly enthused about sharing them...although I know I should. I'm beginning to feel like all these little cupcakes are my babies.I'm producing perfect little cakes...nothing I do is perfect----so you can understand the satisfaction I feel with each cupcake I pull out of the oven. It is a very rewarding feeling...almost as good as the taste of these poppy seed cupcakes! Today, while others around Oahu were supremely worried about being washed away in the Tsunami that wasn't, I was happily baking my troubles away in my kitchen. If you're gonna get washed away, might as well be with a cupcake in hand---or better yet, in your mouth! I do hope that all the residents in Samoa are doing well after today's earthquake. I'm not heartless...just slightly self absorbed and obsessed...with cupcakes. And by the way, did anyone realize how expensive poppy seeds are? Thinking of taking out a small business loan if I decide to re-create today's perfection. I have so many cupcakes, that I am now spelling out the letters in my name with them...don't ya love the "L"?


Anonymous said…
Who knew baking cupcakes could be cathartic? Nice insight.....and dang, that's a lot of poppy seed!! Love, Lena
Larisa said…
Yes, I highly recommend it...better to bake it than to EAT it! That used to be (well, who am I kidding...still is)my coping mechanism. I'm trying!

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