Thunderbird Air Show

Who knew so much fun could be had on hot asphalt? On Saturday the fam packed up and headed out to Hickam Air Force base. Destination: Thunderbird Air Show. I was pretty sure it would be a two thumbs up kind of day for Gabe---anything military, camouflage, or vehicle inspired is a winner in his book. Unfortunately, these are so uninteresting to me. The sacrifices we make for our kids! We got to the base shortly after the gates opened. Prime parking, Blue-Bird shuttle ride, a little terrorist screening, a quick scam, I mean raffle, with GEICO, and we were finally through the front gates. Planes, planes, and more planes! Everywhere we looked there were planes. To be expected right? In addition to the planes there were helicopters, police vehicles, fire trucks, bounce houses, live bands, a tent of junk food (and for the adults, a beer tent). We just stepped into every six year old boys DREAM.And of course we forgot the sunscreen. Purchase number one: $9 bottle of sunscreen. Sigh. Purchase number two: $5 hamburger (Was it good Isom? I don't eat meat!). Sigh. After sitting in cockpit after cockpit, pushing button after button (the planes and mine), we had seen all there was too see. Gabe had a nice collection of free military loot, I had a nice sunburn (despite the best efforts of the $9 sunscreen), and Isom had a beer. Our work here was done. But wait, the air show hadn't even started. By this time I was hungry, tired, hot and ready to vacate the premises. So we agreed to hop in the air conditioned car and head out. We could "You Tube" it!
Ah ha! As we pulled through the gates and waved good-bye to the Thunderbirds, the idea struck. Why not go to the airport?! Tall building, air conditioned car sanctuary, Jamba Juice on the way...the plan was formulating. We pulled into our prime parking spot just in time to see a handful of other geniuses (although they had chairs and L&L) pulling in and setting up for the same thing---watching the air show from a distance...a cooler, safer distance! This was the best part of the day. We managed to make a Thunderbird Air Show a pleasing event for all of us---miracle workers!


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