ZPizza and ZBaby

So this isn't the pizza we ordered, but doesn't it look delicious? Tonight we went to town to visit our friends Lehua and Chris who just had their baby girl, Dahlia, on Tuesday. What a cutie! Everyone loves a baby.And everyone loves pizza...or they should. After trekking to town during rush hour, we weren't keen on hopping in the car only to sit in more traffic. Besides, we were hungry. Isom had mentioned a "new" pizza place he had heard about from a co-worker, so we decided to try it. Zpizza, located in Ward Center (a few spots down from Kua Aina) was what I'll describe as a hip, Californiaesque pizzeria. In fact, it had a very Starbucky vibe to it---the colors on the walls, the food topping art, etc. We couldn't decide which combination of organic toppings to get, so we went with half Mediterranean and half Moroccan.All I can say is it's way better than Pizza Hut. Too bad it is so far from our house! It is in a great location for townees, and if I were ten years younger, I could totally see myself hanging out there. We also chomped on the California salad (cheers to the avocado!). If you find yourself in town, please stop in...for a slice or a whole pie. It was zelicious.


Anonymous said…
yum. ee.

Anonymous said…
Pizza and babies....both yummy and bring tears to my eyes :-) BTW, what exactly constitutes "half Mediterranean/ half Moroccan" toppings?? Looks ono!
Love, Lena
Cara said…
Always on the lookout for good pizza too (also sandwiches). Thx for the heads up on this place. Might just find an excuse to have lunch there when InSpecs calls & says my lenses are in (a 1 hour wait now to be filled with pizza eating!). If I know ahead of time what day, will definitely let you know & maybe we can have a "hang out at Ward" day!

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