Candy Corn Cupcakes

"C" is not for's for CUPCAKE. Candy Corn Cupcake. From reading, you have learned that I like to bake, I like to read, I like to go to Starbucks, I like Keanu Reeves, I like music, I like alcoholic beverages, and I like to eat. I also like gathering...gathering people together, gathering with like minded individuals who have my same obsessive tendencies...we call it Book Club. Here I can indulge in the eating, reading, drinking, and gathering. I love killing four birds with one stone. Saturday was our October Book Club meeting---we are cleverly called "The Page Turners". We could also be known as "The Bottle Openers", "The Wine Drinkers", "The Trash Talkers"...wait, maybe I should speak for myself. Maybe that's just me. Since it is close to Halloween, I decided to bring Candy Corn Cupcakes to share with the group. Wine and sweets---always a winning combination. I whipped up another batch of batter---all on my own and without the aid of the book again (that's twice now...if you're counting). I decided on orange flavoring (to go with the color of Halloween). Although the cupcakes (in my opinion) were still fun to eat and yummy---the orange flavor did not come across as I'd hoped. Isom proved this point even more when after taking a bite he remarked "Mmm. These vanilla cupcakes are good. They're vanilla right? Oh, they're not? I meant lemon. Not lemon either? I mean PINEAPPLE." Well, they were ORANGE. Regardless, I decorated them with Candy Corn and called it a day. My book clubers would enjoy them. And we did...along with baked Brie, pumpkin pie, salad, chips and salsa, wine, wine, and wine! And as for next month's selection---I haven't yet determined which flavor cupcake to make, but the book is "Waiter Rant" . Which leads me to some new titles I've been contemplating for the blog---"Mom Rant", "Cupcake Rant", "Wife Rant"...


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