Halloween Cupcakes

I'm getting so excited for the Holidays. I love this time of year when commercialism rules. Everywhere I go and everywhere I look I see decorations for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and even Christmas. The tell tale sign will be when Starbucks switches their cups to the holiday cup...can't wait. In the meantime, I'm still baking. Yesterday, after finally deciding that it's time to take my fitness (or lack there of) more seriously (I walked and did the eliptical)...I baked these yummy little treats. Tonight is Gabe's Tiger Scout Den meeting and since it is the last one before Halloween, I wanted to have a festive snack for the boys...Halloween Cupcakes it is! I simply whipped up some cream cheese frosting (which I'm delighted I actually know how to do sans recipe book now), added some food coloring for an orangey Halloween glow, and whipped up cupcake batter...also sans recipe book. Woo hoo! So, here are my first cupcakes from scratch without the help of any book (the white in the middle are cute skull rings the kids can keep). I hope the kids enjoy them...I enjoyed taste testing them...I mean baking them.


Anonymous said…
We got to enjoy these today -THANK YOU! yum!
Larisa said…
You're welcome! And thanks for coming to the cooking class!

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