As I type, I'm hoping my green nail polish doesn't get smudged. But I wanted to make a quick post...I'm going through
withdrawal. I haven't posted for several days...busy with Halloween festivities, Halloween baking, getting a new computer, and finalizing my costume. So, now I am trying to multi-talk...although this is probably not one of my wiser decisions. I should probably be doing something that doesn't require my nails to be drying. Oh well. I was super honored to have received my first request for my baked
cupcakes---two dozen cupcakes for my friends son. Harvest Festival (or what we call Halloween at school because some parent will get mad if we really call it Halloween) was my first unofficial cupcake client. Pumpkin cupcakes garnished with strawberry jam and decorated with candy corn. Something for the kids. Something for the holiday. Something yummy for the belly. It was fun to create something from scratch to be enjoyed by someone other than my family for once. Happy Halloween~
Love, Lena
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