Semi-Exciting Day

Today I went to Borders. Today I went to Starbucks. Today I baked cupcakes. Today I blogged. My life is sounding pretty boring. Same thing day in and day out. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining---these are all things I enjoy (otherwise I wouldn't do them so much). But, as an outsider looking into my life, it must seem...well, lame. I'm hoping you'll hang in there though 'cause every once in awhile something funny and interesting does happen. Really. Take yesterday for example. Isom saved a poor damsel in distress at Pipeline. Okay, so it didn't happen to me. But it was no less exciting. Sunday at the beach---quite typical for us. Our intentions were to head to Waimea but as usual the parking situation was junk. We drove a few more miles down the road and found prime parking at the beach across from Sunset Elementary school. We dragged toys, towels, chairs, sunscreen, umbrella, and Starbucks with us down the sand and set up our mini camp.The boys body surfed. I read. Perfect. Then our simple little day took a turn...Isom and Gabe come running towards me excitedly sharing details of "the rescue". A young girl (we'll say mid 20's and not particularly attractive---or I might have had to wonder about the rescuers intentions) literally was getting swept away. Thanks to Isom and one of her male companions, they hoisted her to shore (or dragged, whichever) and safety. Wow! My husband the hero. I was glad he didn't just leave her there to drown. Slowly the life guards made their way over and the rest was left to Hawaii's shore safety experts (you know, those super tan guys that I always see on a cell phone kicking back in the life guard tower). After all the excitement I was a little nervous for the boys---apparently we were in treacherous surf. They caught a few more waves and we called it a day...a semi-exciting day.


Anonymous said…
I disagree. You probably have one of the most exciting and active lives I've ever seen! So inspring. :)

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