Finishing anything is bitter sweet. The last day of school. The last sip of Starbucks, the last bite of cupcake, the last word in the last sentence on the last page of the book. The journey has been so nice, you just don't want it to end. This morning, instead of putting away the rest of the laundry (which I swear multiplies hourly), I finished reading this month's book club selection:
"Waiter Rant". I am already eager to read "the waiter's" next rant. Coming in at just under 300 pages, this memoir of sorts, was one of the better books I've read. It proves you don't have to be an English major, young, or Ivy League to contribute something fantastic to the literary world. Since I've been trying my hand at blogging over the past couple of months, my reading interests have taken on yet another genre---"the
blogoir" (that's blog and memoir put together for those who don't speak Larisaese). These days everyone has a story to tell, and with the
Internet, a venue to tell it---good, bad, ugly, funny, or sad. Obviously, they aren't all winning reads. Thankfully, I've lucked out twice recently. First with "The Julie/Julia Project" and now with "Waiter Rant"...which by the way, should TOTALLY be a movie. Not to be mistaken for that crazy Ryan Reynolds movie
"Waiting" either. Something a bit more serious. I really hope some screenplays are landing on the authors doorstep. I'm sure it is the dreaming to be a world famous writer in me, but I really enjoyed the unlucky, turned fairytale ending, rants of Steve the waiter. Quite scary how all the books I enjoy most, are from the perspective of a cynical, 40 something, semi-alcoholic man in New York.
Hmm. If you enjoy the other authors of this type (
David Sedaris,
Augusten Burroughs) then I think you will be pleased with
Steve Dublanica's re-telling of his 6 plus years as a high end waiter in New York City. You may not want to be a waiter or eat a fancy dinner out soon after reading it, but I guarantee a laugh, a little soul searching, and an intense craving for a stiff drink.
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