Happy 100th post and happy birthday to Danya! She turns three and my blog celebrates 4 months of taking up space on the
Internet. Today started out...late. The alarm went off at the usual 6:20 a.m., but for some reason, no one got up. At 7:03 I woke up in a panic. Shower, dressed, and breakfast in 15 minutes...seemed unlikely. But, we made it. The morning gods were on our side. With Gabe dropped off, I was looking forward to a morning walk...rain. The sunshine gods were
not on my side. Instead, I put the finishing touches on the Princess Cupcakes I made for Danya's birthday party.

I finished in time to sit in front of the t.v. while I ate my raisin bagel with cream cheese for breakfast. What's on?
CBS was showcasing things from 1990...a time machine theme. As I chomped on my bagel I was able to watch a cast reunion of
"Murphy Brown" and to follow that up---
Vanilla Ice performing his one hit
"Ice, Ice Baby" . I know it's been awhile since I've watched morning talk shows, but what is going on? This is what's out there to entertain the American public from 8 to 10 a.m. each day? Wow! If that wasn't enough, I changed the station to the tried and true
NBC, only to be let down with a painting dog segment. A dog. Who paints. And sells said artwork for
thousands of dollars. You've got to be kidding me! I no longer feel bad for sharing
my "so called normal life" on the web. Clearly there are a lot bigger lunatics out there than me. I wasn't sure that the morning could get anymore amusing, but then I remembered I was off to a three year old birthday party.

The guest of honor greeted me at the door in a beautiful princess dress and tiara. I set up my cupcakes and we waited for the other party goers to arrive. Pizza, crafts, cupcakes---it was delightful. Remind me when February rolls around...this can be my theme too.

The kids were having fun and I was happy to relax before picking Gabe up from school (early dismissal all week...is he ever in class anymore?). So, as I wrap up this 100
th post, I am happy to report that since starting my blog I have successfully baked 30 different cupcake varieties, traveled to the Big Island, read 9 books, watched three seasons of "Dexter", two seasons of "
Californication", and discovered 16 other fabulous blogs. Just knowing that I'm going to sit down and write about the things happening to and around us everyday, has made me take note of all the happy moments that much more.
I've been having a blogging good time.

You kick ass! Your cupcakes were the hit of the party. Thanks for making my birthday memorable :) BTW, while you're cute and all, I AM THE PRINCESS!
Love, Danya
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