"Twilight"/"New Moon" Double Feature
...was the best idea ever...that, and drive-thru Starbucks. Mai Ly and I had a great time last night. We were surrounded by Twihards---or adult Twilight fanatics (I'm not excluding myself from this group). Besides watching the re-release of "Twilight" followed by the midnight showing of "New Moon", we watched a sea of what Mai Ly so endearingly labeled as "freaks". We saw several Edward look alikes (one of whom was a girl). We saw two "Bella at the prom" girls. We saw seat saving with "Volturi robes". We saw crowns, "New Moon" paper plate lanyards, people faking disability to get better seats...it was all pretty nuts. At least 3000 people were at Ward for the double feature or the midnight showing of "New Moon"...Hmm, at $10 a pop (they inflate their ticket prices)...well, you do the math. Don't forget the soda, popcorn, and hot dogs folks were buying too. Lucky for us, I made a little goody bag in case there was no chance for refreshments.
The movie: Well, we know I love "Twilight". So that one won't really get a review. How many ways can I say I love it? It is perhaps my favorite book of the series, so it would only make sense that it might be (still waiting for the other two films to come out) my favorite of the films--low budget and all. "New Moon" picked up where the first film left off...Victoria (bad vampire) hunting Bella, Bella and Edward madly in love, still wet and dreary in Forks, and Jacob pining away for Bella. I'm definitely "Team Edward"---the way most Twilighters distinguish themselves (Edward the Vampire or Jacob the Werewolf). BUT, that Jacob sure was looking built for the second movie. WOW. It's hard to concentrate on anything else (You mean there's a plot?) when he is on the screen---which is a LOT...and shirtless. There wasn't near enough Edward in this movie for my taste, but then that's why I found "New Moon", the book, harder to get through as well---too much Jacob and not enough miserably in love Edward. "New Moon" had a different director than "Twilight", as well as a significantly bigger budget---and it shows. But, despite the inflated budget, the "Edward sparkle" was still seriously lacking (Mai Ly described it as "Edward still looks as if he lost a battle with a tub of glitter glue." ). I wasn't pleased to see strategically placed bags of Burger King pop up on screen either. But enough complaining. I enjoyed it and I am pretty eager to see it again. The movie was good. The goodness being enhanced by the Twi-energy that was in the air...although there were some parts of opening night I would prefer to leave behind---such as the clapping, ooohs, and aaahs over the opening credits and picture of a moon, and someone I don't know sitting directly beside me CRYING during the movie. If you are a fan of the "Twilight" series you will of course enjoy the second installment. If you are not a fan and have somehow escaped the frenzy that is "Twilight", I do suggest you at least watch the movies...if for nothing other than to see some really good looking (Did I mention buff?) people (and by people, I mean Edward and Jacob) on screen. If you are hoping it will be exactly like the book...you will be a little disappointed. There were definitely lines and scenes directly from the book, but I wanted more angst (if that's even possible) and more "Romeo and Juliet" tortured love story. But since "director" isn't on my list of things I "do", I guess I'll have to be satisfied with what I got---which was a really entertaining flick.
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