Christmas Came Early

Thanks Santa! The big items were opened this morning in order to avoid having to deal with extra bulky travel...and I'm so glad! Gabe opened presents from friends and Japanese
Santa---Bakugan toys, Lego three in one, Japanese Army camouflaged back pack
and MRE's (meal ready to eat). He is in 6 year old heaven. Isom received the elusive Keurig coffee maker (Santa found the last one on the shelf).
I no longer have to suffer through baking cupcakes and cookies with a mangled wire whisk---Santa brought me the most beautiful red KitchenAid! It really is beautiful. I don't usually marvel over the beauty of kitchen appliances, but...
She speaks for herself. Now to name her.


Anonymous said…
this is my dream appliance!!! i'm so happy for you! :) merry christmas. santa's a good kid!
elana said…
Lucky you! I got a KitchenAid mixer years ago for Christmas and it is still by far my favorite appliance. Have fun, and happy holidays!
Anonymous said…
That mixer is quite gorgeous.....she looks like a "Scarlet." Hope your real Xmas day went well....can't wait for the update. Love, Lena

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