Don't Jump On The Bed can be extremely dangerous---to 33 year olds. My ear is extremely sore. It is swollen. I've been forced to take out my diamond earrings. Thankfully there was no blood...or tears. But I felt like crying. Since Isom experienced several different time zones in one day, he was understandably tired when I picked him up from the airport this morning. We enjoyed a leisurely Starbucks breakfast, ran a few errands, and came home so he could have a nap. I received clear instructions to wake him up in time to get Gabe from school. At 1:30 p.m. I headed up the stairs. At 1:33 p.m. he was still NOT waking up. At 1:38 p.m. I decided to use a more drastic technique to wake him. I proceeded to stand up on the bed. Jumping commenced. One jump, two jumps, three jumps...WHACK! The ceiling fan knocked me in the side of the head. Luckily I was on the bed---it made for a soft landing. Doubled over in pain and holding my ear (I was sure I had pulled a Van Gogh and my ear would be dangling if I let go), I look over to see---Isom was now awake...and laughing hysterically.
Mission accomplished.


Anonymous said…
LAUGH OUT LOUD. that is so classic. :) I hope your ear feels better soon.

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