"Fantastic Mr. Fox"

I love that there is a theater across the street from Gabe's school and within walking distance of our house. Not that we actually walk there. It's still nice. Friday afternoons are usually saved for me and Gabe to go on a date. Since there is no school tomorrow, we decided on a Thursday date. We were just planning on the typical Starbucks outing (also across the street from his school) and then it occurred to me that we had no further obligations for the day...why not take in a movie? A matinee of "Fantastic Mr. Fox" would be starting in twenty minutes. Instead of a deluxe drink from Starbucks we enjoyed the movie kid pack. Small drink, small popcorn, small candy---ready to go. We settled into our seats and I enjoyed the preview for the upcoming Tim Burton movie, "Alice in Wonderland" . CAN NOT WAIT for that! I'm sad to say that I don't recall reading "Fantastic Mr. Fox" as a kid...or an adult. I am very curious after seeing the movie. It was completely different than most kid, animated movies. Technically, I guess it isn't animated...it's more like the puppets from the old Rudolph classic t.v. movie. Not quite Gumby claymation, but definitely not Pixar animation. The voices of George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Wilem Dafoe, and even a small Owen Wilson cameo with some classic Beach Boys and Rolling Stones music, I knew we were in for an entertaining afternoon. This was a typical caper movie and I was almost wishing they had utilized Brad Pitt for one of the voices in order to make the link between this movie and "Oceans 11" complete. For sure this movie was more on my sense of humor level than Gabe's, but there was action, a little romance, and a struggle between the good guys and the bad guys to keep him interested. Half way through the movie Gabe commented that Mr. Fox wasn't so fantastic, but a few scenes later he was shouting out "Now that was fantastic!" I recommend this flick and when it comes out on DVD I'm sure there will be a drinking game---drink every time they say "cuss" in place of an actual cuss word. It was very "cussing" amusing.


Mai said…
Cussing Fantastic! LOL I want to see this movie again.
Mai said…
Oh...and Arwen and I are totally down for Alice in Wonderland. She CAN NOT WAIT for it! Think they'll be a midnight show? Just kidding.
Anonymous said…
Surely there are Johnny Depp fans as crazy as the Twilight fans?!

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