There was more to be said about Japan but at this point I feel like I have let too much time slip past...so on to other topics. Maybe I'll just refer to "the Japan trip" from time to time...and maybe you'll know what I'm referring to...and maybe you won't. For all the pasta and vending machine sushi that we had during our week in Japan (reference #1), there was a definite lack of coffee drinks and holiday flavored foods (I just couldn't drink the
hot in a can coffee from the vending machines that were everywhere...although Isom loved them). Lucky for me, I was able to get all the fancy coffee I missed out on during the week, in one single beverage at

Jayme, Solomon, Gabe, and I met up at Windward Mall. Gabe and I had just come from
our dentist appointments and decided to try to get some Christmas shopping out of the way instead of sitting in afternoon traffic. Since our teeth were nice and clean we decided to sugar them back up to normal standards with
pumpkin pie flavored frozen yogurt in the newly remodeled food court. We continued the holiday flavored food when we met up with Jayme and her son to indulge in "breakfast for dinner" (a Gabe favorite) at IHOP. A yummy Swiss Mocha paired with Eggnog pancakes----oh so good!

We walked off some of the calories when we took the boys through the mall to sit with
Santa. Since it was a school night we had to say good-bye earlier than we would have liked, but our afternoon trip to the dentist sure did turn out sweeter than expected.
Such cute photos! I used to go to IHOP with my family for their pancakes, but now we may want to keep in mind that the company has been exposed for food safety issues and animal cruelty in its supply chain. For more details, please check out www.humanesociety.org/ihop.
Just wanted to let you know what is going on at IHOP. Thank you for your time!
Emily Spivak
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