"New Moon" in Japan

No one can ever say I'm not a dedicated "Twilight" fan. While we were on our vacation I was determined to find "Twilight" written in Japanese---a nice souvenir. As an added bonus I thought it might be fun to watch "New Moon" while in Japan. I wasn't sure if it would be dubbed, subtitled, or some crazy combination of the two. I more than lucked out. While in Sapporo, we stopped into a bookstore. The three of us wandered around the small store...completely lost. We had no idea if we were in fiction, biography, porn? It could be anything. We also wanted to get a children's book for Gabe. At least that was easier to decipher...big cartoons! I was side glancing all the aisles when I noticed a ribbon of red...I walked towards it. It was indeed one of the series---"Eclipse". And right beside that, "Twilight", "New Moon", and "Breaking Dawn". The completest in me really wanted all four. They were so little and cute and perfect. The price was actually cheaper than what I paid for my English copies. The "Twilight" gods were speaking to me. Done deal. We found Gabe a Japanese version of "Up" and he was happy. Isom doesn't read, so we headed to the register.To continue with the "Twilight" madness, I later sought out where the closest movie theater to our hotel was (two towns away). I took a chance that they would be playing "New Moon". I may not win a prize for cooking or cleaning or fashion, but I do win the prize for walking to the train station in below 40 degree weather, taking the train (chatty 6 year old in tow), getting off in the middle of nowhere, and through my keen sense of direction, finding the movie theater (really, when the people at the front desk tried telling me where it was, I DID NOT UNDERSTAND them). I must have an internal Edward compass. We walked through sludge, old snow and ice, and finally arrived at the "Cinema".My efforts paid off. Fifteen more minutes until the next showing of...NEW MOON! We ordered caramel popcorn, looked around, and walked into our theater to get seated. One older couple behind us, and we had the entire theater to ourselves. We saw previews for Japanese movies, American movies, and the best "turn your cell phone off during the movie" ad ever. There was no Sprint propaganda or that dorky guy that spews off movie facts before every movie these days. It was great. Gabe enjoyed the movie too...although I covered his eyes for a few scenes. We created a fun memory and I enjoyed the movie even more---the second time around.


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