Peanut Butter Cookies

...were a bust! What happened? I don't know. Something went wrong. I followed the recipe. I even did the signature fork criss cross. Nothing was helping the rock like consistency however. Frown. At least I didn't feel too cheated. Like the chocolate cupcake, the peanut butter cookie is not something I'm a fan of. It is too much. Too much on the roof of the mouth. They make you thirsty and I feel unfulfilled after eating one. For all the peanut butter flavor there isn't enough sweet flavor to satisfy my taste buds. At least I gave it an attempt. If you have any secrets on how the peanut butter cookie can be saved or improved---please comment!
Now, I have to figure out what I'm baking for Gabe's first grade class tomorrow.
The happy faces of Isom and Gabe...they had NOT tried the peanut butter cookies---thus the smiles.


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