"Planet 51"

"Avatar" is the only movie that Gabe can talk about. Since seeing a preview for it he has been finding a way to work it into every conversation. Today was one of those great Sundays when nothing much is on the agenda. We slept in. We picked up Boy Scout popcorn. We had a leisurely breakfast at Starbucks---a weekend tradition. While we were waiting for our breakfast sandwiches and my Eggnog latte, Gabe suggested we go to the movies. When Isom is out of town we tend to do a lot of this. I checked the Fandago site on my iPhone while Gabe eagerly looked over my shoulder. "Do they have Avatar mommy?! Do they? Is it playing? Huh? Is it?". No. What's a mom to do? We went to see "Planet 51" instead. The voices of "The Rock", Justin Long, and Jessica Biel helped make this movie entertaining for us adults as well as the 6 year olds. Gabe and I both laughed out loud. And the three year old in front of us repeated all the key lines. It was a good family movie with the exception of a few inappropriate alien brain abduction comments. The premise of humans being aliens was a departure from the typical alien movie. Add to it that the aliens seemed to be living in the 1950s and you have yourself a clever little animated movie. Since this wasn't Gabe's first pick for movie going, I was nervous for his reaction as we walked out of the theater. The verdict? He liked it. A lot. As I tucked him into bed tonight, he said "Thanks for the best day and weekend." I'd say that's two thumbs up for the alien movie. Let's hope there are no bad dreams involving alien brain abduction.


Isom said…
I just checked the rating on Avatar, so let Gabe know for me that he has nothing to worry about. Only seven more years and he can see that movie.:-)
Larisa said…
What?! That seems extreme...really? Poor Gabe.

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