Twilight Christmas

We will be spending Christmas away from home this year. We haven't spent a Christmas away in several years. We are excited, but it does mean a little extra the busiest time of year. We have friends to see, cupcakes to deliver, and gifts to exchange before boarding our flight to the mainland next week. Luckily, we were able to kill two Christmas birds yesterday---we saw friends before leaving, delivered popcorn instead of cupcakes, made paper snowflakes,
and exchanged a few presents.The kids were spoiled with goodies and were delighted to open presents before Christmas. Me too. I'd love to go into detail about what all the kids got...but really I'm super excited about my gifts. Twilight fan? Yes. Christmas fan? Yes. Combining the two? Nirvana. Giddy behavior over gifts, Christmas or otherwise, is usually exhibited by the eight and under crowd...and me. I was giggling like an eight year old when I received my Christmas present from Mai Ly yesterday.An Edward stocking! Need I say more? Well, maybe...since my pictures are not doing it justice. It is a perfect stocking ready to be filled with Twilight loot at Christmas. It has Edward's face and name on the front and I may keep it up even when Christmas is over. Some people are the best gift givers. And some people are the best gift receivers (me). Christmas can never come soon enough each year...but even more so, now that I have my Edward Stocking to look forward to.


juliesumile said…
Is Jacob on the other side?

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