Ugh, Grumble, Sigh

What do you do when you're missing your other half, there's an ant parade outside your front door, the coffee you made is bad, you sat in traffic for two hours, the McDonald's clerk is mean AND they give you chicken instead of fish, your kid is rude, you forget to bring eggs for your friends baking needs, you nearly run into the car sitting in your blind side, your Starbucks order is messed up, and your eyes are puffy from crying the night before while watching "P.S. I Love You"? That's the kind of "off" day I had. It is nearly over and I'm having trouble finding a bright spot. I would swear today was Friday the 13th. But it's not and nothing that happened was too terrible but I'm still feeling like a cartoon with smoke coming out of my ears. We do have an activity filled weekend to look forward to so I'm hoping when the sun peaks through the curtains tomorrow, it will be the start of a brighter day. Looking forward to my sweat shorts, dessert, and curling up with my book. Some things can not be matter what.


Isom said…
I am so sorry your day was crappy. I will be home soon, hopefully to relieve and not add to your stress. I love you.
Anonymous said…
AW! such a sweet comment, isom. :) i love LOVE.

Anyways, to make matters worse, Derek ate almost all the freaking cupcakes (he said they are good carbs for marathon...) and when I told them they were for you he felt awful. so, anyways, there is only ONE left...but one is better then none, yes?

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