Wednesday Already?

And I have nothing substantial to report. Oh well, I'll ramble along anyway. This week we have finally been getting back to our normal routine. An entire week to adjust from our travels...either I'm getting old or traveling really does take a lot out of you. I'm going with the travel excuse.
On Monday and Tuesday I had the pleasure of going for morning walks with Mai Ly. Thanks for helping me keep that pesky holiday weight to a minimum. Reflecting on the weeks events so far, (or lack there of) I realize that I experienced the Christmas spirit...twice.
On Monday I took The Fit into the Honda dealership for a routine oil check and tire rotation (don't I sound like I know what I'm talking about?). The Fit is the third car we have purchased from The Tony Autoplex (we like to help the owners with their second and third homes in Lanikai). The first was Isom's hot rod. His red Honda Prelude that totally helped him "catch me". The second was our family mobile. The Volkswagen Passat that was really a piece of...
The third was the downsized, go green Honda Fit. You can easily see the stages of our lives through the cars we drive. The first and second cars have been a dream. Service, Parts, Customer relations, all terrific. The second car, a complete nightmare. After the botched experience with VW service and customer relations, I was very wary of dealing with car people. Managers, technicians, sales associates---anyone. Monday however, was refreshing. As I pulled up to have my car serviced I was greeted with a smile. A service manager promptly escorted me to his desk, answered my questions (with a smile), and quoted me a price and time of when my car would be ready. To be expected right? Not with the last car. I was delighted with the ease of service. I was even more delighted when Wade (the smiley service manager) called me EXACTLY when he said he would and my car was ready. Unbelievable. It is possible to deliver on promises! Christmas miracle number one.
The second act of kindness was yesterday---delivered my yours truly. After the great dealership experience I was inspired to pay it forward. It may not be couth to brag, but I'm not always this kind so...
It's true that giving can be better than receiving. I am a regular at Borders (which is way better than being a regular at a bar). The manager at my Mililani Borders (despite not hiring me...though I'm not bitter, I promise) is sweet as can be. She works hard and her staff and customers love her. On Saturday, Lena, the kids, and I went to the Mililani Borders for their annual Grinch Christmas Party. I, of course, had my iPhone, Louis, and Starbucks reusable cup in hand.
The moment we walked in and the manager saw my Starbucks cup, she shared how desperately she wanted one. I understood completely. Kindred Starbucks spirits. "They're sold out everywhere.", she moaned. I know!
Cut to Sunday afternoon with the girls at Pearl Highlands Starbucks. What do we have here? A Starbucks reusable cup! Not one, but two? I purchased them both.
Back to yesterday. I walked into the Mililani Borders and gave the manager her long awaited Starbucks reusable cup. She excitedly greeted me with "What do I owe you?". "Nothing. Merry Christmas!", I said.
I haven't seen anyone happier. Christmas miracle number two.


juliesumile said…
You are the best Larisa! I love that story! You are so thoughtful and giving! Amazing what happiness small little thoughts of kindness can bring to a easy to do, although very hard to come by! You've inspired me today, thank you!
Anonymous said…
Aw. Thanks Jules! It was an awesome day.

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