Beware Of False Shelves

This is the last post for the day. I promise---unless I get my finger caught in the fan or some other asinine debacle befalls me. In an effort to clean out my downstairs hall is the story of how the broom became stuck in the closet under the stairs. Maybe only Isom can truly appreciate this foolishness. Apparently there is a fake shelf in this closet. I had just begun to take a few things out and down off of the real shelf, when, being the height challenged person I am, did not realize that what I thought was a convenient second shelf above the first shelf, is really a big, fat, gaping hole. A hole that has sucked my Starbucks Christmas ornaments into it! I didn't hear anything crack or break so at least they are looking nice down in that hole. Meanwhile, I thought I could just grab a stool and reach my hand in to retrieve my box of jewels...ornaments. In the words of Dwight Schrute---FALSE. After grabbing a stool, and now a flashlight, I see that the hole is much deeper than my mere arm can reach. Aha! I can use this long tube of wrapping paper to push the box closer to my grasp. False. The wrapping paper tube is not sturdy enough and begins to bend and crease. Pout. Aha! The broom. It's much sturdier. Maybe you see where this is going. I force the broom into the fake shelf which is really a hole. I make strides in pushing the box closer and then it stops moving. It won't budge. And neither will the broom. Now, not only is my closet not clean and organized, I have a freaking broom stuck in it! Isom, when will you be home again?! You can't make this stuff up.


Mai said…
ROFL I think I may pee my pants!
Anonymous said…
you made me laugh out loud!
Larisa said…
Oh good. I'm glad there is laughter in my pain. :-)

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