Beware Of Non Beeping Gas Gauges

First, a thank you. A HUGE thank you to Danielle and her husband Derek who rescued me and Gabe off the side of the highway this evening. Derek is in the Army and has served his country well, but I was more fearful for him being on the side of H2 with me filling my tank with gas than being overseas playing war. Those cars drive fast! All is well now, and Gabe and I are safe and have a FULL tank of gas. Try not to be too upset with me Isom---it's so me to drive on fumes. On the bright side---I know that Danielle and Derek are good in an emergency and how many miles I can drive before actually running out of gas. On the not so bright side---no one (other than the rescuers I called) stopped to help. A pathetic woman and child on the side of the road---really, where was that freeway helper guy that drives the tow truck with flashing lights when you need him? And I kid you not, I was sitting right in the spot that the motorcycle cop ALWAYS parks to catch speeders...where was he? No where to be found. I would like to blame this crazy debacle on the fact that the gas gauge doesn't beep to warn you of impending doom. But, I'm an adult, a college educated adult, who can read, and I should have gotten gas twenty miles previous to where we finally ended up. I feel most ashamed that once again Gabe is seeing my poor driving skills and habits in action. Two years ago he witnessed mommy getting a speeding ticket. And daily he witnesses my road rage tendencies. Since we all try to be what our parents were not, I'm hoping Gabe will make a wonderful, responsible future driver.


Anonymous said…
<3 :) I'm SO glad we could help!!
Larisa said…
Not as glad as I was! :-)
Thanks for being such a good sport about my poor judgement!

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