Chocolate Brownie Cupcakes

I remembered the butter today. My friend Lena and her kids came over to play...gotta break up the four day weekend. In honor of their visit, I made chocolate brownie cupcakes. A marriage of two desserts. I was skeptical. The kids each had two. That rating system speaks for itself. And to answer my friend Cara's Facebook post---they are more like the middle than the edge of the brownie...thank goodness. I'll burn a batch of brownie cupcakes for all you edge lovers. Oh, and the ants that have invaded, REALLY enjoyed the brownie cupcake crumbs. They are the best fed ants on the island.


Anonymous said…
My kids are still talking about them......thanks aunty!! Love, Lena
Larisa said…
And today, poor Gabe asked for one of these...bummer I had to tell him they were all gone!

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