Couch Potato defined by Wikipedia is a person who spends most of his or her free time sitting or lying on a couch. This stereotype often refers to a lazy and overweight person who watches a lot of television. Generally speaking, the term refers to a lifestyle in which children or adults don't get enough physical activity. Maybe I should contact them and have them add a picture of me so that just in case people don't get the verbal description, they'll have a visual. This was exactly how I spent my day today---being a stereotype. And it was depressingly enjoyable. In between bathroom trips, picking up Gabe from school, and helping him with his homework, the majority of the day was spent watching movies. I did so much "work" updating my Netflix Que yesterday, I decided today would be well spent enjoying the fruits of my labor. First I watched "Rachel Getting Married". I ate free bread sticks from Pizza Hut.
Then I watched "Sunshine Cleaning". Gabe had a nap. Finally, I watched "Smart People" and realized over half way into it...I'd watched it before! Ugh. It's one thing to re-watch an old favorite or classic movie. This movie is neither. So by the end of the day when I realized I had wasted several hours in front of the boob tube, I was even more irritated to realize I could have been watching something else instead of an already viewed, mediocre movie where Dennis Quaid looks AWFUL. As mentioned previously, Isom is spending the day aboard a 787 (I think that's the number) United Airline plane en route to Thailand. I know he's watching movies on his iPod Touch, so I felt the need to honor his departure with a little movie viewing party (pity party, whatever) of my own. So, quickly, here's the scoop---"Rachel Getting Married" was brilliant. It was grossly depressing but I loved it just the same. Anne Hathaway was already becoming a new favorite of mine, but this sealed the deal. "Sunshine Cleaning" was depressing as well (today was obviously themed) but in a "wow, these characters dress bad and are poor" kind of way. And it had a happy ending. "Smart People" was depressing because...I'd seen it before. It does have appealing elements however, Ellen Page (of "Juno") and Sarah Jessica Parker (of "Sex and the City"). The other sad thing about spending a day on the couch? I didn't bake!


Mai said…
Your netflix queue resembles mine. I really liked Rachel Getting Married and then followed it with Becoming Jane (also very good.)
Larisa said…
Okay, I posted a comment. Where did it go? I said that I loved "Becoming Jane". It was sad though. I felt really sorry for Jane Austen. And I mentioned that I don't know how to spell queue.

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