"The Lovely Bones"

I read this book four years ago. I never imagined it would be a movie. I liked it. It was different than other books I had read. It was disturbing. Well written, but very disturbing. And now, I have the same thoughts on the movie. I enjoyed the storytelling in pictures. It was a cinematographers dream project. The story is a parent's worst nightmare. It is sad, frightening, spirit crushing. Why read or watch this? It's a good story, a journey and an interesting take on life, death, and the in between. I also read "Lucky", the author's true life story of another horrific experience---rape. I think the author worked her way through trauma by writing both of these novels. So, if by reading her thoughts and take on the darkest parts of people, I somehow contributed to her healing, then I'm glad. After both putting down the book and walking out of the theater, I had to wonder what parts of "The Lovely Bones" were based in truth. I know that there is another book "The Almost Moon" but I have been hesitant to read it because of her previous heavy topic books. But back to the movie...it was good. If you are even slightly down in the dumps however, don't go see it...you might drive off the nearest cliff. But the bright spot is that the movie shows the strength of the human spirit...we are resilient after all, and able to accomplish and get through even the most terrifying of experiences. So, if you are feeling ready to shed a few tears, think a lot, and be amazed by movie artistry at it's best, then go see "The Lovely Bones". Just don't go see it at Kapolei Theaters like Lena and I did. You won't be impressed with the human spirit there...you'll be angry. Very angry at the audacity of teens to talk incessantly, shine their cell phones, and have a little party in the corner of the theater. Go somewhere else!


Isom said…
They need to make a theater for adults only. Showing regular movies not adult ones:-)
Larisa said…
Agreed. Aren't the ushers supposed to stay in the theater? I remember going to the movies as a teenager and being scolded every few minutes for putting my feet on the back of the seat...that's nothing compared to the hoodlums Lena and I encountered!
Anonymous said…
LOL.....glad you clarified that comment Isom! Love, Lena

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